Caijia: Farm at Home
O2O platform to deliver organic food in compounds
January 2016 - Shanghai, China
Double-degree Master Thesis project
Caijia (Simplified Chinese 菜家) is a project developed for connecting the metropolitan area of Shanghai with its countryside through food, while improving human relations between neighbors and farmers. It is an open network of communities living in residential compounds that can buy fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables directly from local farmers. Producers and consumers are first connected through an online platform (see demo) where producers can sell their products, while consumers can purchase easily and in a convenient way. The stakeholders meet for real during gatherings, events in which the products are delivered and where it is possible to share knowledge and get to know each other. Managers usually organize recurrent gatherings in residential compounds, assisted by their helpers. Local experts and food processors may take part in these events too, bringing their expertise during informal seminars. People can also cook or eat together. With this system, farmers know what to harvest and are fairly paid; the supply chain is shorter and consumers can get more guarantees and genuine products at the right price. Relationships elapsing between them are strong and long lasting and everyone get economical benefits while preserving the environment. If you want to know more, take a look to the video (YouTube or YouKu)